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| Here is this weeks
170 The Dentists Diary
In a week that saw us introduce a couple of the best playing strips I have seen in a while, (Well there’s nothing better than the traditional hoops but if we had to change they are as good as they could be!), it seems that we have not just signed the best scrum half in Super League but also the best fictional novelist too! More intrigue, more controversy and although nothing to do with us this time, we never seem to have much luck do we!
Fiction well, from what I have read, with the exception of some rather imaginative story lines, the only resemblance Longy has to Barbara Cartland is in the haircut department, but he has certainly done what was needed to ensure that his auto biography is one of the best selling RL books of the decade. Max Clifford himself, could not have done a better job of hyping the launch and causing a sensational feel to a book, which in the end only really tells what most of us fans already know, and the RL prefer not to!
Still Longy’s alright, because despite having caused this furore in the literary world and rattled a couple of cages at Red Hall, having bumped into him last Monday there is certainly no doubt at all that he is determined to star for the FC and get us back up the league where we belong! He is really excited about the prospect, but with so many big personalities around the place next year Agar, his coaching staff and perhaps our press and public relations people too, will have to be on their toes. As for Longy he is, by his performance in the semi and Grand Final, still one, if not the best, organising British 7 in the game, I wish he was a bit younger, but what the hell I can’t wait to see him out there sorting our line out!!
In this weeks diary we spend a lot of time looking at Mr Long, but then there’s the shirt launch, Yeamo, The man of Steel, and the ridiculous man of steel team of the year, which is ‘My two Penneth’ this week! Then there is, our new strip, pre season friendlies, Jon Sharps new job, Tom Lynch, the booker prize, cold weather training, The Irregulars moment of glory and in Codgers Corner the final edition of our recent history!
Well last Monday evening I was lucky enough to go to the clubs shirt launch at the KC, and was really impressed with both our new kits. I have to say, old person that I guess I am, the home shirt is my preference, simply because it has a collar, but that’s just me. The use of grey rather than black in the away shirt is, I believe, all to do with the alternate strip rules that are set out by the RL, but that apart it is certainly different. A lot of the female fans I know have said how much they like it, but for me, as far as the home strip is concerned, the return to a black shirt with a white V is well over due. That design holds great memories, because a similar shirt was used for several big games back in the 60’s, and also at other times of success over the years.
The designs though are certainly a departure from the norm of late. I, like many of you, really do love our heritage and tradition, and of course, along with ‘Old Faithful’ our other unique selling point, has to be the irregular hoops. This design combination has been copied by many over the years, in fact I always say that as far as the irregular hoops are concerned they have been often imitated but never duplicated. You see Wigan currently trying to ’Get away with it’ as far as irregular shading is concerned, but in the end there is only one proper irregular strip in the world of RL, and that is ours.
However, I think we all have to recognise that the club have to sell shirts, and they won’t do that, nor will we want to buy them, if year on year they are exactly the same. You have to have a change, and I will certainly be asking ‘Mother Christmas’ for a home shirt this year. The main shirt sponsors, P&O, will certainly like the prominence the away shirt gives their logo, but for me the ‘smartness’ and that collar, just give the home shirt the edge! Still both are great kits, and well done to the club on this one!
At the launch I got the chance to at least just say ‘Hello’ to Sean Long, who was busy throughout the proceedings talking to the press and having meetings with representatives of different areas of the club. I have to say though from the out set, that Sean is certainly nothing like his image, or has at least settled down a bit, because he is in fact a quietly spoken, shrewd sort of character. He was obviously a bit embarrassed when his agent, following a late call from St Helens, has to stop him wearing the new strip, until after the Grand Final, but it did nothing to take the gloss off a good evening! In fact Sean managed to ensure that both Calendar and Sky carried brief glimpses of him wearing it anyway!
Of course the press were as interested in his book as they were in his signing for Hull FC, and he was quick to point out, as far as the betting on a drop kick incident was concerned, there might have been a bit of an element of exaggeration about it all anyway. Its typical RL really! Redhall only have to come out and set some penalties like: Any professional player proved to be betting on RL games will get an automatic ban from playing of one year. Instead what do they do ? They say they would like to interview a bloke who is only saying what everyone else in the game, including them, knows is going on, and then they expect him to name names. What a joke.
In fact, standing aside and listening to what he had to say to the media last Monday, it was interesting to detect that he has probably written his memoirs with his tongue firmly in his cheek, not letting a few exaggerations and possible falsehoods get in the way of selling some books! He knows that his first outing as a literary figure, will have put a few noses out, but he also knows that his back is broad and that most of those who might take an offence have enough respect for him as a person, to get over it!
Max Clifford would certainly appreciate (and no doubt attempt to manufacture) the sort of furore that the book has caused, and the fact that Amazon had run out of copies when I ordered mine on Tuesday, and could not get me a copy till November, means that it has worked too! Sean will also tell you, with a smile, that it will all have soon blown over and be forgotten! Who knows, Sean’s signing coinciding with the launch of the book, could raise the profile and, in a strange subliminal way, sell a few more season tickets too!
It will be good to get to hear what Longy has to say at the fans forum in a couple of weeks, tickets for which have suddenly become like gold dust to acquire! Especially as the club has let it slip that there could be a big surprise for those who attend, and believe me there could be. From what I saw of Longy last week though, he is an excellent communicator, and a dedicated professional. Mostly though when you speak to him about next season, he is like ‘A kid in a sweet shop’, and can’t wait to get started.
He is certainly not coming here to ‘end his playing days in comfort living off the proceeds of his literary career’ and gives the distinct impression that he is ‘up for the challenge’, and the chance to lead both on and off the field. However, in the end, and from what I have seen so far, my over riding impression of our new scrum half is that he’s a nice guy, with a bit of fire in his belly, and an attitude that, because of his age and responsibilities, will now be channelled into the game, and our team!
Last Tuesday the Man Booker Prize for FICTION was presented, and I was a bit surprised that ‘Booze Brawls Sex and Scandal’ was not in the list of nominations, (Ha Ha) but then again those sort of awards are usually reserved for those very worthy books that no one in their right mind reads anyway! However from what I have observed myself, as well as seen and heard so far, Long has made me realise one thing and that is, he is going to be massive for our club next season. I think he will be a significant addition for us, he won’t take any crap on the training field, and will keep everyone at the club from the coach downwards on their toes! Everyone you speak to from Saints who has been associated with him, will point out though, that this attitude is never disruptive, never self centred but always channelled in one direction: that of winning!!!! He only loses it when anyone around him does not have the same motivations and I can’t wait to see him get going!!!
Next year with Sean, Fitz and O’Meley we will have three big characters who will ensure that there is no shortage of rhetoric about the place, which will do no harm at all for our media profile. It will need handling though, and it could be a bit edgy at times, but if it is tackled in the right way our profile as a club will be sky high! Whilst, in addition, on the field there is also a good chance that the impact of the Tongan Mafia, will capture the imagination of the RL writers as well, if not for the skill factor, then for their aggressive attitude to the game. One thing is for sure and that is that there should be no problem with our club having a high profile next term. All we have to do now is win some games. Incidentally O’Meley is sharpening up at present and following the example of a previous heroes ‘Crusher’ Cleal by spending a week wild bore hunting in the Bush!!!
It was good to see both Willie Manu and Epalahame Lauaki being named in the Tonga squad for next week’s one-off Test match against World Champions New Zealand. Willie, who was crowned Hull’s Player of the Year for 2009, and new team mate Lauaki both represented Tonga at the 2008 World Cup, and I wish them well. But, you know me, I just worry about injuries!
Speaking to a few folks at the club it would appear that we are just about finished as far as signings are concerned, although we have I am told still a bit left under the cap. I believe we will be keeping this just in case there are any opportunities or problems during the season. I would have liked a couple of cheap but talented youngsters as cover at half back for Longy to work with, but we shall see. The only change I can see is if someone we want becomes available at Warrington or Wigan, and Tickle, who has indicated he wants to move back to Lancashire at the end of next season, when his contract is up, wants to swop! That would not be a bad thing because, although I really rate ‘Tick’, we are well served with second row forwards these days and in my opinion it is that season when Mike Burnett should be given a chance to prove himself, or move on!
Great news that Yeamo is in full swing as far as rehab is concerned and it was good to see both him and Cusack at the gym last week. Cusack has had his break in Aus. early, so as to be able to get back in full rehab training as soon as his operation had healed properly. Yeamo is easing back and will be in full training ( with the exception of contact work) in early December and in all aspects of training after Christmas. We need a big season from Yeamo, who with Longy on board should have no excuses about lack of service this year!
Jon Sharp will today be named assistant coach to Noble at the Celtic Crusaders.
There are some strong rumours about the place that we might not go away for warm weather training this year with the word at Total Fitness that we might even opt for a couple of weeks with the army! There will probably be just a couple of pre season friendlies, although across in Aus. it is rumoured that the Dobbins are desperate to get the warm up game for the world club challenge to Caravan Park. Just rumours though of course!
I was pleased for our young prop Tom Lynch, to see that he has signed for Featherstone, who are a great club and with whom no doubt he will do very well. I have watched Tom in the Reserves for what seems like ages now, and although I never thought that he had that certain something you need to step into Super League his attitude and application has always been first class. Whenever the going gets a bit tough up front at Brantingham, they used to send Tom on and a few big hit ups and a couple of crunching tackles were always guaranteed. I am also told that he was not far off being offered a full time contract but competition for those places from within our junior ranks is keen indeed, and the cap only allows so many to be filled. I think he decided that he could get instant first team rugby at Featherstone, and good luck to him! I don’t rule out a return one day though!
Last weeks, ‘My Two Penneth’ about the salary cap caused a lot of debate and some disagreement, which, in the end, it was intended to do! I talked a lot about the effects of the cap and the way that it drags back teams that strive to get ahead through excellence in administration, loyalty of fans, player development and sponsorship. Well we didn’t have to wait long for this ‘TV friendly’ levelling off of excellence, to manifest itself again in the last week, did we? The announcements at the Man of Steel Awards last Monday, were largely, I though, predictable, and well done to Huddersfield for scooping the honours.
I have no qualms whatsoever about, the Coach of the year award or even the Man of Steel Award itself going to Brett Hodgson, he richly deserved it, but Club of the year!!!!!!!!!!!! Your having a laugh! If the club of the year is the one that, despite finishing third, can only attract 4000 people to a final play off game, then they might be good at playing, but they ain‘t much good at getting folks through the gates? Their efforts on the pitch are certainly an example for all clubs, but you need to translate that into a fervour, and if you like a ‘Bandwagon’ of support from the local community, to say that you are a great club.
That was, for me personally, another of those, ‘lets recognise a club that not fashionable to even things out a bit’ sort of decision if ever there was one! For me, Leeds should have won that award hands down. The Giants have made big steps forward there is no doubt, and if there had been an emerging club of the year award then they would have won it easily. However there is still much work to be done before they are a financially viable club that brings lots of visiting supporters, sells mountains of merchandise and raises a production line of young talent.
Huddersfield, bless em, could not lick Leeds boots when it comes to development off the field. The Rhino’s are one of only two clubs at present trading in the black (with us as the other), and surely for starters that has to be a major indicator of the COTY. They produce more young players for other clubs than any other team in Super League, top the league in the regular rounds, have more internationals and sell more season tickets than anyone else. Then there is their sponsorship which is the highest in the league, as are their attendances and merchandise sales, etc. etc. etc. Add to all that the strides forward in developing their ground that have been made and although I know we ‘All hate Leeds’, we must apportion credit where credit is due. The fact is that once again as was the case last year with Rovers, our game is celebrating, and perhaps even rewarding, small gains in the name of dumbing down the status of the more enterprising clubs, and levelling out ‘The Playing Field’ again. So that it at least appears to those watching every week on the TV, that all the clubs are of a similar high standard!
For me, as I said last week there should always be the ‘Big’ clubs who have worked on and off the field to get ahead of the rest. They should prove an inspiration to the rest, to do better and aspire to their greatness. Instead we see the RL, Super League, Sky TV etc. looking at every opportunity there is, to level things out, although at present with Leeds and Saints in the final again it is having little effect. One day though, in the not too distant future everyone will be equal, everyone will be the same, and with no relegation or chance to get ahead through enterprise, the whole game will be stagnant and as boring as hell, both on and off the field. The standard of rugby is going that way already, and it is for me a recipe for disaster! Just, as I say, only ‘My Two Penneth’ though!
However, on that Man of Steel awards evening it was great to see Radders collecting the RL community player of the year award for his work on the clubs community side, and in the amateur game, and Preccie getting the Mike Gregory spirit of rugby league award, both these accolades are, if you know the characters concerned, really well deserved!
After that tense and really hard final eliminator game between Saints and Wigan, I was interested to hear the thoughts of John Wilkin (Sky‘s man of the match because, after the revelations in his book, they couldn’t bear to give it to everyone else’s choice, Sean Long) after the game. He said that for many years the Saints had pinned their success on being fleet of foot and quick off the mark to start break away moves, and get other teams on the back foot. Indeed, the ability to strike once, twice or even three times just before or after half time by using fast hands and quick breaks, has been a trade mark of the great Saints teams of the past few years.
Wilkin however went on to say that this season things had changed somewhat and the whole principle of our game had swung from this type of creative rugby to a harder, more forward orientated game. Something that perhaps the final once again bore out! He said that Saints had been conscious of this change, and adapted their play to suit it. I had already noticed of late how often Cunningham passes the ball, rather than going off on one of his trade mark scoots from off half. In every set of six now they also seem to rely on three or four forward drives rather the expansive use of the ball we used to see early in the tackle count.
When you correlate this fact that good front row forwards seem to be the first players a lot of clubs get re signed, (Thus making them to be at a real premium), and the dower sometimes dire aspects of the play off’s this season, it would appear that our game is going into its shell somewhat. If proof is needed just look at that Leeds v Saints game in the first week of the play offs. A couple of years ago that would have been a feast of flowing rugby and audacious passing movements, but this time around it was an uncomfortable, tough, niggling and sometimes dirty game.
Good to watch for the purists, but not so hot as a spectacle for the casual and uninitiated viewer. So what, (if John Wilkin is right), has caused this change in our game? Well there are several possibilities really! Firstly the salary cap is without doubt dumbing down the game as far as flair is concerned because all teams are gradually been pulled into line, with regard to having a certain number of ’Flair’ players in their ranks!
Teams like Huddersfield, for example, have had good seasons as far as the league table is concerned and although it has to be said that they have played some good rugby, there is no doubt that their success is based on a big uncompromising pack and an effective defensive pattern. Whatever is causing the change there is no doubt in my mind that Jon Wilkin has a point, things are changing. However every cloud as they say!!! Perhaps it is foresight, good planning, or even luck but there is no doubt that the type of team we have assembled for next season is really well suited to this type of game, with us boasting probably the strongest forward line we have seen at the club for years!
In just too late for last weeks Diary was the news that the Irregulars, our esteemed and often under heralded supporters tag team, were last weekend crowned Champion of their League. Last Saturday at the Huntingdon Stadium, York, the (2nd placed) Irregulars beat first placed York in the 2009 Tag Merit League Grand Final, in a very tough and competitive game, we won out 34-22, bringing home the trophy for the first time. Those who attended the game tell me that it was one of the most spirited, and committed games that they have seen the team play since their formation in 2003, and it is without doubt their best achievement yet. So to Chris and all the lads of the irregulars, well done, I’m proud of you!
So at long last, after a total of 10 episodes of my potted history of our great club we arrive at 1995/96 and the shortest season we had experienced since the last war. We had just been relegated and our first season in the second division was a relatively short one. It ran from August to January and then we had 2 months off before we started the first ever season of Summer rugby league and, although both Hull teams had nothing to do with it, Super League was born.
One of my strongest memories was a game against the high flying Salford team who had won their first 5 matches, and who came to the Boulevard on the crest of a wave. We won the game 30-28 after resisting a massive Salford fight back when in front of 3,354 fans we held on to come out victorious. Steve Craven had a great game and it was, I remember, a high tackle by Paul Forber, that allowed Mark Hewitt to stretch our lead to 8 points, and that was enough to just see us home. Our first season in the summer second division was relatively successful one and we finished third behind Salford and Keithley.
The hunt for a coach to take us just that bit further was on too, and Phil Sigsworth arrived at the club for the 1997 season, setting himself two years to get us up to Super League. His team, which had been renamed the ‘Hull Sharks’ was a mix of imports and youngsters and this tried and tested formula did him proud as we took the division by storm. He was a good coach whom the fans immediately took to, but behind the scenes moves were already in progress to oust him as a new regime was sniffing round our club. In our first 17 games we had 16 wins and one draw at a very blustery Whitehaven to show for our efforts and we finished the year as clear Champions! Good Friday saw a great Derby at the Boulevard when 12,000 packed the old place to watch us shoot into an 18-0 lead only for the Dobbins to pull back to a final score of 18-14. Steve Holmes our full back had a great game that day as did Tevita Viakona. Our team included players like, Chico Jackson, Rob Danby, Peter Wheeler, David Boyle, Andy Fisher and Matt Schultz.
It was however during that 1997 season whilst we were doing so well in the league that Tim Wilby fronted a take over of the club which saw multi millionaire, tennis impresario and right ‘Dick Head‘, David Lloyd ride into town on a white horse to save sport in the City. He made Wilby Chairman of both the FC and Hull City, who he also bought! Lloyd pulled us out of almost definite financial oblivion by snapping up 35% of our shares for £350,000. There was a real air of optimism around the place which was to turn very sour indeed, by the time two seasons had passed.
Before we started our first season in Super League, Wilby sacked our coach and put Peter Walsh in charge and then the club inexplicably sold star player and real fans favourite Tevita Viakona to Bradford. However, Lloyd splashed the cash again, in an audacious swoop for three Saints players, Steve Prescott, Simon Booth and International centre Alan Hunte. Off we all went to the first game of our new Super League life at Sheffield, were we pulled off a great 34-24 win and followed that with a 6-4 home win over the Bronco’s. But after that it was down hill all the way and three wins over Huddersfield, who came up with us, just saw us home as we just kept our top Division status. At the end of that season finance was again a problem and Lloyd started to realise that his investment in RL team was not going to be the get rich quick scheme that Tim Wilby had made it out to be.
Still he injected another £400,000 in the club just to keep us going. He did this by grabbing a load of shares to give him an 83% stake in the club.
The following year was a horror season both on and off the field. A last match 33-16 win over the Sheffield Eagles just kept us up, although with only 5 wins in the league all season, Walsh was then on his way out! However in October Lloyd himself decided he was to pull the plug, he took his money out, and we were about to go into oblivion!
All through the reign of Lloyd one person had been the champion of all the fans and a total thorn in his side, but on 13th October, just as he was putting together a rescue package to save the club, Roy Waudby died at home in Kirkella. Gateshead were sniffing round the club and looking to take the pick of our players and more importantly, our cut of the Super league TV money, up the Great North Road, whilst Roy had joined the fans in resisting their overtures. Roy’s funeral at St Matthews was a magnificent tribute to the great man and I sat in the choir stalls between the Mayor and the leader of the City Council, Big Hull fan, Pat Doyle, everyone was anyone in the City was there.
Our only chance of survival was to let our franchise go to Gateshead and to re establish the club as a second division outfit. However, it was rumoured at the time that the Chair of a certain other club who were already wallowing in that division, had other ideas and the Northern Ford clubs voted us out. It was to be the end of our once great club!!
At that time, Shane Richardson, the supreme of Gateshead Thunder came to the Boulevard to talk to some member of our independent supporters club, they, in a meeting at the Boulevard convinced him that they would be better relocating to the City, and miraculously their whole North East operation, new signing Stanley Gene and all, was transferred to the Hull, and we were saved!
There then followed the 2000 season, that great cup win over Wigan, and the trouble at the Galfarm in the semi final, and a good season which saw Shaun McCrae, or Mr Pringle as he was affectionately known by the fans back then, working his magic. But that’s all recent history and you probably remember it better than I do, still writing this last episode in our colourful look back at our club certainly made me realise that things could be a lot worse than they are today, and with our club still trading healthily after a couple of bad years, we have certainly come a long way since David Lloyd!
This weeks quote of the week goes to the Chairman of our illustrious neighbours Neil Hudgell, who in a recent piece on their website berated the internet community when he said, "I stay well away from RLFANS where the cabbages congregate and spout their dross". Then just a few weeks later there he is in the guise of his firm of solicitors advertising his company on that same site and even sponsors it!!! I know that he doesn’t probably like me having a go, but whilst he chooses to call me and a lot of my pals cabbages, I will be continuing!
I’m off to get my season tickets today or tomorrow, although it will probably be late afternoon by I get there, so having seen that the Fair ground car parking is accessed under the fly over, I rang the club about getting in. They said all I had to do was tell the chaps on the gate under the flyover, where I was going, and they would let me through so we’ll see how that goes!
Conflicting reports then, seem to indicate that perhaps we have come to the end of our recruitment for next season, but there is still plenty to look forward to between now and Christmas. The fixture lists, season ticket sales, the fallout from Longy’s book, the fans forum, the announcement of friendlies, a new assistant coach, who will be captain, pre season training, etc etc etc will keep us all amused and no doubt the Diary in business. It is of course likely that during these ‘inactive’ times, I will wander into areas of the game away from the club itself, as I have done this week, but they are just the thoughts and ideas of an average fan who does not do closed season very well!! I hope that you will stick with the Diary and the weeks ahead unfolds. In the mean time thanks so much for reading this again this week, and for all your feed back and kind comments! They make the weeks work worthwhile.
Faithfully Yours