As a Southerner I am getting fed up of the BBC still not bothering to broadcast The Super League Show throughout the Midlands, Southern England and Wales at the same time that the North of England gets to see it.
The argument that people can view the programme online, or that there isn't enough interest in other parts of the country holds no weight at all particularly now that two Super League clubs are outside this Northern England area. Why the hell - just because I'm from the South, should I have to either watch the programme on my crappy computer screen, or get up in the early morning just to watch it - I pay the licence fee just like everyone else.
So I've decided to do something about it - yes a petition. I found the remnants of one back in 2004, but I think now in 2011 we are in a much better position to achieve these following aims.
[url= THE PETITION HERE[/url[/size
To have the BBC broadcasting 'The Super League Show' throughout the whole of England and Wales using the same schedule that the Northern England regions (North East & Cumbria, North West, Yorks & Lincs, Yorkshire) currently have, from the 2012 season onwards.
[*To get 2000 signatures.[/*:m
[*To get the petition noticed and supported by the Super League Show itself, it's presenters, the BBC Five Live Rugby League broadcasting team, BBC presenter and blogger George Riley, and BBC London 94.9's Rugby League Show with Ian Ramsdale.[/*:m[/list:u
[*Sign the petition.[/*:m
[*Post this petition/thread onto as many Rugby League forums as possible - general and club specific.[/*:m
[*Tell friends about this petition at matches.[/*:m
[*Post this petition onto various RL Facebook groups[/*:m
[*Use Twitter to spread the word of this petition.[/*:m
[*Text into the various BBC Rugby League programmes/shows noted above talking about the petition. [/*:m[/list:o[/size
I have full belief that with just a few people helping me spread the word across the fastly growing Rugby League community in the Midlands, Southern England & Wales; and widespread signature support; that BBC directors and channel controllers will finally decide to show this programme throughout the country thus making it easily accessible to current fans and widening it's appeal to new viewers.