Quote Slugger McBatt="Slugger McBatt"Eastmond has got to start at 7. McGuire is still a class act, and to face the Aussies just a few months after coming onto the top flight scene might expect too much of Tompkins.'"
agree that eastmond must start at 7
as for mcguire, ive always maintained that he is a great reader of the game, which makes him a great support player...he is fast and has good footwork - those qualities make him a great finisher....
however, he lacks creativity...
as for myler, he basically played against le catalans last night and struggled. yes he took a try well but that wont stop the aussies and kiwis exploiting every crack in his game! he even used the oldest trick in the book - grew a bit of facial hair to make himself look more grown up/intimidating
the england team is badly short of quality playmakers...eastmond aside, there is diddly squat...
for me...mcguire and myler out, brough and tomkins in...broughys rough and ready and you know your youre going to get...someone whos strong on defence, someone who has a good long and short kicking game, someone who can kick at goal and someone who respects no one, gets stuck in and rattles a few cages....
and tomkins...clearly capable on attack and defence, takes the line on, isnt afraid, gives the opposition something to think about. for such a young lad he is fearless !!!