On LC TV now are an Interview with Liam Kay, Dave finds out that Liam has a Leigh family connection.
Also an Interview with under 20's coach and former Leigh favourite Paul Anderson, Ando speaks about his time at Leigh and elsewhere.
Looks like I will have to start on my filming era in 2001 for this weeks game of yesteryear as I seem to have run out of Leigh wins in the 80's and 90's, I've got a few losses but I don't think they would go down to well
Coming soon is an insight in how the 1st team are shaping up in pre season training with features about the wrestling sessions, the sand dunes session and of course the weekend of 'wonder' with The Royal Marines.
If anyone out there has any VHS tapes of games from the 90's they wouldn't mind seeing again on LC TV then drop them off at the Ticket Office or market outlet, I will digitise them put them on a DVD for you as a thank you and use them on LC TV.
Hope you all have a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous new year.
Leigh Centurions TV subscriptions are still only £3.50 per month or £32 per year.