Quote Wire Yed="Wire Yed"Thing is Lefty, if after 60 mins one team is teaming with energy and the other blowing out their backside that is going to make a huge difference.
Why is it our 'enthusiasm' levels go through the roof at the back end of games?'"
Of what I've seen
Leeds. Threw the kitchen sink at us. We took it on the chin. Not Ali's rope a dope, but won by attitude.
Hull KR. Bright start. We switch off. HKR still offer nothing. We find the right gear, and out class them.
I missed the Wakey game, but if you're struggling v Wakey, you've got problems.
Salford. Brightish start, but switch off totally for 40 minutes, showing ABYSMAL attitude (and tackling technique). Finally show interest, and blow Salford away. Salford's fitness wasn't questioned when they took Wigan all the way, the week before.
Tonight, we remained competitive throughout, though not playing great. Cats have an issue with tiring. Such a big pack was always going to struggle, against a lot more mobile XIII They almost threw away a big lead v Leeds, a fortnight ago. I was always confident tonight, even when we went 8 points behind. Again, for me, attitude.
Smith (and Agar) and the team are earning their stripes.