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| fusion is definately the future, it really is as good as it sounds, unlimited energy friendly and without radiation. Its strange not more resources has been put into the southern france project as its going really slowly. The biggest energy injustice is the fact that they use standard nuclear reactors for, when there is a way of recycling nuclear waste back into reactors, but its as profitable for companies to make these types of reactors, absolutely disgusting
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| Fusion is the best part of a century away - if it's possible at all.
Even if they somehow managed to push through a fully-functioning, comprehensively tested reactor in the next thirty years it'll then take a similar amount of time to develop a scaleable commercial prototype which can be rolled out into the global marketplace.
Only then can the serious work begin of developing an entire fission infrastructure (from the macro-level right down to the micro/regional) which can integrate seamlessly into the existing power-generation framework.
People forget that it took the best part of half a century to develop this country's vast network of fuel storage depots, refineries, service stations etc. etc. - not to mention the dizzying number of vehicles, ships (tankers etc.) which service their needs.
And even if fusion does work out - it still doesn't address the possible shortage of critical products such as plastics, fertilizers, medicines, pesticides etc. in a post-carbon world...
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| I'd like to add my opinion and experience based on this matter Pardon the pun.
Having worked within the fire industry, a portion of my role involved a frequent service and Fire assessment visit to a well known nuclear reactor plant. I had lengthy conversations with the Nuclear plant operators which has given me great insight to understanding of this field with their input.
[iNuclear power is real; nuclear weapons are a hoax[/i. Where to start? Most of the work so far that has been shown in how the pictures from Hiroshima and Nagasaki are obvious photo-manipulations, how the "nuclear arms race" was a series of fear porn advertisements from the "Cold War" theatre, how the claims of explosions and radiation don't match the evidence record.
I'm willing to question that nuclear power too is a hoax but not until I've seen enough strong evidence, and everything I've seen points the other direction. For a quick response to any of the claims that nuclear power plants are "overload" stations and actually powered by coal or something else maybe hydrogen or something else from the grid: these big Super-carrier's required enormous amounts of energy to propel it through the ocean at the speeds it could reach, and there was no corresponding amount of diesel or any other way to achieve that much energy for propulsion.
Further, it is all of my combined knowledge of nuclear physics that led me to question nuclear weapons many years ago, many years before I stopped believing in rockets or satellites or started digging through scientific hoaxes. When a mass of nuclear fuel achieves super-criticality, it melts. The very actions which cause so much energy to be released melt the fuel itself, and as this occurs the chain reaction burns out. Neutrons bombarding nuclei cause fission, but the neutrons released from a fission event are typically moving far too fast to be absorbed by any further nuclei. The nuclear chain reaction requires that the neutrons from fission events go on to be absorbed by other fuel nuclei and cause more fission; in order to achieve this, the neutrons have to be slowed down to speeds[i (thermal energies)[/i low enough that they stand a chance of being absorbed by the fuel nuclei. In a nuclear power plant, a moderator is used to slow down the neutrons and water is often what is used for this ([ialthough there are other materials)[/i. There is nothing in nuclear weapons to slow down the neutrons released from the initial fission, so any chain reaction would die out rather quickly. This is also what we see when prompt criticality is accidentally achieved in nuclear plant accidents ([irapid spike in energy and then a meltdown as the reaction is not sustained[/i). Nuclear power is a delicate game of sustaining that reaction, and a bomb doesn't accomplish that.
Study every nuclear power plant disaster in detail. When prompt criticality is reached, everything melts down. There is no explosion or ridiculously absurd mushroom cloud or half dome of disintegrating energy. Let's take a look at some examples.
[iHere is the US Army's experimental nuclear reactor, SL-1[/i. A control rod was accidentally removed too fast and caused prompt criticality. Result: fuel melted, water quickly vaporized to steam, small steam explosion from rapid expansion of water in a closed space. [url=https://i.imgur.com/oGIb2nD.jpgUS NAVY SL1[/url
Here is Chernobyl. Same thing, once prompt criticality is reached, the fuel quickly melts and the reaction burns itself out. This a massive amount of energy, but not explosive energy that creates some vaporizing wave from a science fiction movie. The only explosion is due to the rapid expansion of the water that is used to cool the fuel, and it is a steam explosion.[url=https://i.imgur.com/Qq4oD05.jpgChernobyl[/url
[u[iBasically. The nuclear weapons Bull that they sell us [/i[/usomehow instead of releasing energy to the immediate environment create some half-dome explosion that radiates outward and upward ([ibut not downward[/i). This is based upon a top secret confidential "geometric arrangement of the nuclear fuel material". There is no scientific explanation that you can find if you dig here, you will have to accept the "confidential geometric arrangement" if you want to continue to believe in magical super weapons.
I personally don't believe nuclear power or weapons exist at all. I think it's been one hell of a massive/brilliant sham in the art of Bull. It's perfect. It's what you can call a classic heist of our hard earned money and minds.
Nuclear energy = clean energy and cheap energy. This is what we were fed and to a degree, still are.
We accept being duped because we simply accept magic for science and will not search out rational minds.
The sooner people remember that you do not get anything more out of something than what you put into it. Nuclear power plays the Einstein game of E=MC2. What does this mean?...basically it means nothing other than absolute clap trap, yet I'm the Loon for saying this because I don't know how the equations work. Does anyone ?....no they don't. The simple thing is. Energy = mass times the speed of light squared. What does this mean ? it means jack . It means that bull can be made up and magic can become as real as possible to the average sheep.
You go and tell someone that nuclear power is not what we are told. The person will look at you like you're a fool and shout, "Uranium fissions inside a reactor as uranium pellets inside a fuel rodfission in water and this happens because Einstein told us about E=MC2.". So there you are. Do not argue with the expert in the street/pub or wherever because they are backed up by a large following of text books and pretty pictures. None of them knowing what the hell they are actually talking about in terms of physically seeing what they adhere to like strong glue.
If people want to believe that lead like pellets inside a rod can simply heat up for 10/15/20 years and create electricity in abundance and then become spent in such a way that in all that time they have only used up 20% of their fuel and have changed shape nor worn down or anything, yet have to be placed inside a 40 feet deep cooling pool for 40 years until they're cool enough to be sorted out.
Seriously. It's easy for people to believe in magic and this is magic. This is the stuff made of fantasy, Moon Landings and Gravity.
I know this particular rabbit hole can run deep with all this stuff. Here's a thing though. We seem to have various power plants in terms of nuclear and how they operate.
Boiling water reactor [i(BWR[/i), pressurised water reactor [i(PWR),[/i liquid metal fast breeder reactor [i(LMFBR). [/iThen there's the different coolants and what not. It seems ridiculous when you think about it but it is probably an excellent ruse in their game for how thy actually utilise those power stations., some of them don't show signs of storage containers and some do. Maybe some are playing with other by-products.
I especially believe the nuclear submarine lark is absolutely bogus. I believe those are some kind of Stirling type engine.
Also the nuclear warheads blasted out vertically from them by....wait for it....[i..COMPRESSED FRIGGING AIR.[/i This pushes the massive missile out of the deep water and into the atmosphere where it then ignites and flies to its target. Hahahaha.
They must be laughing their war heads off at us, whoever it is at the top. Sometimes I don't know whether to admire them for the clever bull in shoving it in our faces yet still leaving us doped up or to sit back sucking my thumb rocking in my chair .Hahaha.
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| Here we go again... Search, copy, paste, repeat!
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| Leading scientists of Nazi Germany including[i Werner Heisenberg [/iwere captured by the British in 1945 and housed for a while at Farm Hall in England. Their private conversations were secretly recorded which remained a secret for many decades as it revealed they did not have a clue about nuclear weapons. These leaders of the alleged Nazi atom bomb project were painfully ignorant about such affairs, and when news of Hiroshima and Nagasaki came their way, it shocked them badly. They didn't have a clue. So much for a Nazi atom bomb program. It's american propaganda.
This book is a transcript of their secretly recorded conversations:
'Hitler's Uranium Club: The Farm Hall [url=http://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Uranium-Club-Secret-Recordings/dp/0387950893Transcripts[/url
Compiled by Jeremy Bernstein
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You have to be a special kind of deluded to believe there was no Hiroshima nor Nagasaki.
There have been and are thousnads of nuclear powered ships, inclduing submarines and aircraft carriers, and Russia operates nuclear icebreakers regularly in the Arctic.
www.world-nuclear.org/info/non-p ... red-ships/
There are 438 nuclear power plants in 31 countries.
You have to be a special kind of deluded to believe there was no Hiroshima nor Nagasaki.
There have been and are thousnads of nuclear powered ships, inclduing submarines and aircraft carriers, and Russia operates nuclear icebreakers regularly in the Arctic.
www.world-nuclear.org/info/non-p ... red-ships/
There are 438 nuclear power plants in 31 countries.
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| On this subject, you might be interested in checking out a book published in 1950 by a Russian aviator deeply involved in the formation of the US Air Force by the name of Alexander P. DeSeversky and entitled "Air Power: Key to Survival' which contains rich information about the 1945 bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki as DeSeversky was the chief inspector of these bombed out cities and found results which radically contradicted the scientific establishment and which were also published in Reader's Digest in 1946. DeSeversky was also an eyewitness of the 1946 Bikini island bomb test with the famous mushroom cloud photos surrounded by battleships. DeSeversky shreds the common interpretation of this explosion and photograph in his book as well as of the Alamagordo, New Mexico bomb test earlier in 1945.
[url=http://calteches.library.caltech.edu/335/1/books.pdfAir Power Key to Survival[/url'
By Alexander DeSeversky
Walt Disney incidentally produced a 1943 war movie entitled 'Victory Through Air Power' based on DeSeversky's book of the same name and had a direct influence upon the subsequent founding of the Air Force as a separate military branch.
'Alexander P. DeSeversky [url=https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=0bnUAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA331&dq=Quest+for+air+power+to+survival&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcibbmnZ_KAhVMOhQKHYW0DSgQ6AEIKTAA#v=onepage&q=Quest%20for%20air%20power%20to%20survival&f=falseQuest For Air Power[/url
(a recent biography of DeSeversky which contains a chapter on his analysis of nuclear bombs and the congressional hearing in which he was questioned about this by hostile pro-Navy senators from Connecticut USA).
A few facts from DeSeversky's second book[u[i 'Air Power: Key to Survival' that are worth mentioning: [/i[/u
It has photographs of several areas of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that were unaffected by the bombs, and the photos were taken less than a month after the bombs were dropped. These photos and photos like them were strictly censored and not allowed to reach the American public.
Hiroshima's tram cable car transportation system was back working everywhere throughout the city ([ieven in the most damaged areas[/i) less than 48 hours after the bomb was dropped on the city.
The 1945 Alamagordo, New Mexico test did explode a bomb attached to a 100 foot tall tower as mimicked in the otherwise mythical Harrison Ford movie scene. DeSeversky quotes an eyewitness to this event who was a Manhattan project scientist who wrote that the tower that held the bomb was not even destroyed by the bomb's explosion. The bottom half of the tower was still standing, and this object was obviously at the centre of this "nuclear" bomb explosion. This fact can be verified because this scientist wrote a book which contains this statement.
The information about atomic bombs takes about two or three chapters of DeSeversky's book which is primarily about combating outdated nineteenth century military strategy still extent especially in the navy. He was a disciple of the dynamic and outspoken Billy Mitchell and also a friend of Lord Trenchard, founder of the British RAF. Politically, he was an anti-communist conservative, but the book is interesting. If one wanted a big picture strategy of how to destroy american military and industrial power, this book shows how to do it. It's in Billy Mitchell's "vital centres" doctrine.
Like i explained in my first post on this topic .[i There is nothing in nuclear weapons to slow down the neutrons released from the initial fission, so any chain reaction would die out rather quickly. This is also what we see when prompt criticality is accidentally achieved in nuclear plant accidents (rapid spike in energy and then a meltdown as the reaction is not sustained). Nuclear power is a delicate game of sustaining that reaction, and a bomb doesn't accomplish that.[/i
I've added another astonishing link Uncovering [url=http://aetherforce.com/nuclear-bomb-hoax/The Nuclear Hoax[/url There's plenty more literature and publishings within this field exposing this big Whopping fear mongering pork pies.
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| As we're cutting and pasting, I thought as good a way as any to debunk your nonsense was this
Quote Political analyst Franklin Ryckaert="Political analyst Franklin Ryckaert"
The political implications of atomic bombs being a fraud would be enormous.
It would mean not only that the US had cheated the world, but also that the UK, France, Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Israel had been cheating the world in a similar way.
The “treason” of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg would have been a fraud, and they would have been executed for nothing.
The Israeli whistleblower Vanunu would have been lying also, by “exposing” Israel’s nuclear arms program when no such program existed.
Israel would also be feigning right now to be concerned about a possible Iranian nuclear bomb, knowing that no such bomb had ever been built.
As for the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, that too would have been a total fake, with both Khrushchev and Kennedy cynically aware that they were engaged in a bogus argument about non-existent WMD!
Occam’s Razor would suggest that none of this nonsense is possible.'"

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| Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"As we're cutting and pasting, I thought as good a way as any to debunk your nonsense was this
Stanley has to be the best bogus account ever.
He's strung us all along for ages with his mystical paranoia, but it isn't real. You can't sit in such a small ideological echo chamber without, at some point, realising that you're so far down the rabbit hole that the next bit of willful ignorance or carefully constructed lie is more ridiculous than the last. Normal human beings are more honest with themselves and I believe Stan in his heart knows this. He just posts his whacked-out ideas to make people like you and I smash our faces against our desks.
I applaud him for his well constructed word salads and world-class asyndesis, but that's all it is, and I think he's playing us along...

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| Back on topic. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sULjMjK5lCINukes Do Not Exist[/url
The Nuclear Hoax the above documentary explores the truth about nuclear energy and the surprisingly abundant evidence that nuclear weapons are a hoax. Many of the nuclear explosion videos we have all seen and presumed real are shown to be complete fakes using model trees, houses and cars exploding on a set.
The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not the result of one large explosion as advertised, but rather the result of a fire-bombing campaign comparable to Tokyo's fire-bombed remains. Hiroshima and Nagasaki also never experienced anything like the hundreds or thousands of years of radiation predicted by nuclear scientists, in fact, vegetation began growing within a month after the bombing, and the Japanese people began rebuilding almost immediately=#FF0000. Some nuclear physicists even claim nuclear weaponry fraudulent based solely on the technical impossibilities of fission material not to be incinerated before triggering the necessary chain reaction. Top nuclear physicist Galen Winsor explains how nuclear power plants are essentially just steam plants and nothing but the most expensive and effective way to boil water. He completely blows the lid off the idea of nuclear meltdown or nuclear waste, and even eats a good portion of live radioactive waste on camera which he claims to have been doing for years His professional opinion is that fear of nuclear radiation has been greatly exaggerated to scare people and so a few powerful organizations can maintain total control of the world's most valuable energy resource. Even the government teaching school-children to hide under their desks just to induce fear and funnel black tax money into a fake Cold War arms race as big and deceptive as the fake Space Race.
With regards to the Anti Semite Franklin Ryckyaert - [url=http://atomicinsights.com/galen-winsor-asks-who-owns-the-plutonium-how-much-is-it-worth/This Nuclear Physisist Galem Winsor[/url urines all over his chips.
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| I'm interested in how these firebombing campaigns were done with one plane in one minute, as opposed to hundreds of squadrons of bombers dropping hundreds of thousands of incendiary bombs over several days.